Love, will make a high class fool
Oh takes your heart and break the rules
Oh, touch your heart
Oh, touch tour soul
Years may come and years may go
Oh heart is high - the heart is low
It's strange and sometimes it makes you blue
'Cause breaking up, it's hard to do

We are livin'
We are livin' in a heartbreak hotel
I'm feeling there's no love you can say
I'm shooting from my heart
Shadows of the dark
We're livin' and we're lost without love
We're living' in a heartbreak hotel
Anyone who has a heart, oh can tell
The eyes of a child
Are weak and are wild
We are livin' in a heartbreak hotel

Love will keep you always young
Oh you have sorrows - you have fun
Oh, touch your heart
Oh, touch your soul
More you live the more you love, oh see
The stars on the sky above
It's strange and sometimes it makes you blue
'Cause breaking up it's hard to do


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