Otpetye moshenniki. After successful joint performance in the Kremlin C. C. completely hardened to the view that Otpetye was the best pop band in Russia.
Disco 80. Incendiary, native music to a pain to which so much all is connected in a life. The first notes of everyone songs are learned and meet a roar of delight.
Come back. C.C.Catch has recently become one of 10 stars of the past to participate in Pro 7 channel show in Germany called Comeback Show.
The Peacemaker Award was established by the Peacemaker International Charitable Alliance, and is presented to those who do their best to help people.
Melodies & rithms. The unique show, perfect music, cool melodies and pleasent and unexpectible meetings. TVfans saw not only the disco stars but also the original duets.
Krayzee What am I doing in Russia? Oh, we're having a great time going all around Russia, doing shows - it's a big tour. I love Russia.
Diter Bolen. C.C.CATCH was an idol for millions. In the book written by Dieter Bohlen there is a whole chapter dedicated to her.
Morty. Cats are her favourite pets. On the debut album cover there was her favourite black cat - Morty.
St. Peterburg. The choice of Saint-Petersburg was not random. Carolina supposes it to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Sergey Minaev is a singer, showman, disc-jockey!!! Interpreter of foreign smash-hits, singing foreign songs in Russian. He's a singular joker, singing seriously about the funny things and vice versa.

In 2003
Tatiana Ovsienko sang the song I CAN LOSE MY HEART TONIGHT in a duet with C. C. CATCH. Carolina sang a verse in English Tatiana sang another in Russian.
Rostov. June 24. First time in Rostov! C.C. Catch! Mega-Star of 80s!
To Children With Love. In june of 1991 Moscow hosted live concerts aid to children - Victims of Ecological Disasters.

For the first time Carolina gave a non official concert in a restaurant "
La Stello".

In 1992
Nataly releases an audio recording of her very first album Star Shower. Almost all the songs of the album were cover versions of C.C.Catch’s hits.
Easy Boom - 13 REMIX programs non-stop.
Each program is over one hour long! This is a real disco show.
Caroline's parents were the citizens of the neighboring states. Her father Yurgen, a German, and her mother Katharina, the citizen of the Netherlands.
Romania'2009 The streets were empty this Saturday evening - everyone was on the concert.
Dmitry Frolov aka Mr. DYF – producer, DJ and musician. Pending his creativity he was created many popular songs.

During the festival Disco of the 80ties AutoRadio whad realized the action
“New Hero”, in which everybody could have taken part, having sung their favourite hits of the 80ties on the mobile (portal) of Avtoradio.