

The release of the new album is being delayed

The release of the new album is being delayed, the world crisis makes the record labels economize on everything, and many of the points concerning the contract are still at issue. Some facts about the album itself. It's a high-quality dance music with R'n'B elements, the brand new song "Super Nature Power" is already being on air by the radio station "Na Semi Holmah".

The release of the new album is being delayed

Recently the cases of some shady persons' swindle have increased in number, these people arrogate to themselves friendship and team-work with C.C.Catch!

One of them is Amadey Maiskiy who had been living in Germany for a long time. That man has supposedly been popular and well-known in Europe! He claims he used to work with Thomas Anders, C.C.Catch and only because of some strange BMG politics the "benefits of his creative work" hasn't been published outside Germany.

Be attentive, please, as this person has nothing to do with C.C.Catch!

There's one more piece of information at different web-sites. It says that supposedly C.C.Catch sang a not very much known song "Harmonix" together with Peter Gabriel. This information is contrary to fact!

Jam Nation is an international project (75 musicians) and Peter Gabriel did participate in it, but Caroline Muller (C.C.Catch) did not! The vocals of this song belongs to Jane Siberry. They recorded an album entitled "Way Down Below Buffalo Hell" (Label: Caroline records), and Carole Rowley & Caroline Lavelle took part in it.

So that's a mere likeness of their names & freak of the imagination, nothing more, ladies and gentlemen!

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